American Buddhist Citizens' League

Namo to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Fully Enlightened One [1]

Namo to our Founding Teacher Śākyamuni Buddha [2]

Om Wise One, Wise One, Greatly Wise One, Wise One of the Śākyans, Hail [3]

Indian Pilgrims Visiting Shrine Room at Mahābodhi Temple Site of Enlightenment of Lord Buddha
Indian Pilgrims Visiting Main Shrine Hall with Pala Period (ca 900-1000 CE) Statue of Lord Buddha in Mahābodhi Temple Bodhgaya India
Mahābodhi Temple Bodhgaya India - Site of Lord Buddha's Enlightenment (ca BCE 528)
Important monk in China, Vietnam and US. Founder of Guangming Temple NYC, President of N. Amer Buddhist Confederation
May the merits of these webpages bring Health and True Happiness to our members and their families, World Peace and Peace and Prosperity in every country in the world.